Thursday, March 03, 2011

Keyless Keyboard

An Israeli start-up company SnapKeys has devised a system that makes mobile computinxg easier by letting users type on invisible keys instead of a keyboard. The technology named keyless keyboard may be adopted by mobile companies like Philips Electronics to market the product, according to company officials. The keyboard has four invisible keys - two on each side of the device's screen - each comprising six to seven letters. There are other keys for numbers and other symbols.

At first, the location of the keys appears on the screen. Users tap the invisible keys with their thumbs and the system predicts the words. SnapKeys says its English version has about 100,000 words and is 92 percent accurate. If the word isn't correct, it can be changed. The system, in which typing words is far faster than a typical keyboard, is available in all European languages as well as Chinese. Versions with additional languages, including an Indian version, are reported to be in the making.

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