Wednesday, January 05, 2011


!!! SL3 MxKey !!!
!!! Time Control and Customer Satisfaction IN YOUR HANDS !!!

- Just activate SL3 on your MxKey and you get UNLIMITED unlocking for ANY supported SL3 phone.
- No more headache with getting "free-slot", no more overprices, no more customers angry because
not known when their phones is unlocked.

Now, with MxKey, ALL this controls is IN YOUR HANDS!

- All of this because we are First in the World who release LOCAL BRUTEFORCE.
- And we think our more then 200.000 smart owners of MxKey can have FAR AWAY
MORE CALCULATION POWER than any server who is offered now by other teams!

- Also, as usually, MXKEY NOT try to overprice (like other teams) and MXKEY offer
UNLIMITED SL3 unlocking just for a small cost of ONE TIME activation - 100 SL3 credits!

MXKEY v3.4 revision 1.7

Direct links for download MXKEY v3.4 revision 1.7

Buy MXKEY SL3 credits only from:
SL3 MX-KEY CREDITS authorized resellers and distributors

Supported hashes:


Supported models:

2690 (RM-635)
2700 Classic (RM-561)
2700c-2 (RM-561)
2730 Classic (RM-578)
2730c-1b (RM-579)
3600 Slide (RM-352)
3720 Classic (RM-518)
3720c-2 (RM-518)
5130 (RM-495)
5130c-2 (RM-495)
5130 XpressMusic (RM-495)
5310 XpressMusic (RM-303)
5730s (RM-465)
5730s-1 XpressMusic (RM-465)
5800d-1 (RM-356)
6300 (RM-217)
6303 Classic (RM-443)
6500 Slide (RM-240)
6500 Classic (RM-265)
E63 (RM437)
E71-1 (RM-346)
N97-1 (RM-505)
N97-1 N97i (RM-505)
N97-3 (RM-507)
N97-4 (RM-555)
N97-4 mini (RM-55

================================================== =============================

1. Required hardware: ATI Radeon HD 5xxx or Nvidia CUDA graphic card
2. Recomendded hardware: HD 5850, HD 5870 or HD 5970
3. High hardware system: TWO Dual HD 5970

On Nvidia CUDA GPU graphic cards, price of card over performance is not the best one,
so we NOT recommend to use Nvidia CUDA cards.
But, if you have to much money and want to throw away some money,
our software also support this cards too.

================================================== =============================

About Bruteforce Unlocking times:

Average medium unlocking times
(e.g. if have 100 phones, this is total time spent to unlock this 100 phones divided by 100)

ATI HD 5850: ~55 hours
ATI HD 5870: ~43 hours
ATI HD 5970: ~24 hours
Dual ATI HD 5970: ~12 hours

- Please do NOT make confusion regarding Maximum Unlocking time or some ONLY ONE phone unlocking time.
- This times depends mainly on how lucky or unlucky you was on JUST ONE SPECIFIC phone.
- For that reason we can NOT provide/calculate this value for ONLY ONE phone.
E.g. sometimes you could be lucky and get code just after 5 minutes, sometimes you could be unlucky
and get code in some longer time (need search almost whole 15 digits key-space).
- BUT, based on statistical laws, if have enough phones (let's say 50-100),
we can aproximate the average medium unlocking time.
- Also we not want to publish some false informations regarding maximum times (like some "other teams" do),
or other kind of dirty-tricks (like max. 48 hours, but need spent few days by pressing one button until
you are lucky and get one "free-slot" on some OVERLOADED server).

Now, with SL3 Local Bruteforce and MxKey, Time Control is IN YOUR HANDS.
Of course, depends on how many phones you have to unlock and how much you want to spend on hardware.

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